An Open Letter to my Christian University

Dear ACU,

What is going on? I am thoroughly confused and concerned. There are so many issues here concerning Student Life. But no one outside our small campus would ever know. Because we cover things up. All the things that do not hold up to our standard of godliness and holiness get swept under the rug. Not anymore. I am tired of this. I am sick of trying to start a dialogue about certain issues and being told to “delete it.” I am tired of dealing with issues that affect my friends and I daily and not being comfortable enough to talk about it. I feel as though I can’t talk about things without fear of reprimand.

As Christians we have been called upon by the Lord to accept and love EVERYONE. We are ALL sinners. None of us are above reproach. We are also all human and we all make mistakes. But we are called to love the sinner not the sin. Why can’t we [the student body] talk about the underlying tones of racism and homophobia on campus? Why cant we openly talk and have meetings for those who struggle with things people face every day. I’m not talking just about not reading your Bible every day. I long for the day that we can have raw, uncensored, interpersonal conversations about drugs, sex, alcohol, and pornography. We are all humans, we all struggle. We all have our own vices. Why does everyone feel as though if we ignore things long enough, they will go away on their own. THEY WILL NOT. If we ignore the things people are struggling with everyday without providing them a chance or place to talk about it and get help, what are we really doing? We are fueling the problem. We are not doing the “Christian” thing. We are ruining our own people and leaving them to fend for themselves.

I, personally, am tired of being shut up. I’m tired of sweeping things under the rug. Soon enough people are going to find out the truth and you can’t hide from it anymore. People are going to know the dirty little secrets we have. It may come to a shock, but other colleges have these issues as well. Instead of the blind trying to lead the blind, we should educate the students to help them live up to ACU’s Christian values.


2 thoughts on “An Open Letter to my Christian University

  1. Totally get where you’re coming from & don’t mean to disrespect your faith, but Christianity is all about being conservative about things involving sex/drugs/etc. Protestant culture is about covering it all up. As for the underlying tones of homophobia at your school; probably due to the fact that the Bible itself denounced homosexuality in any way that you interpret it. Unfortunately, you deal with what you practice, or drop it all together. Cherry picking is bad for everyone.


  2. Hey Ashley! I actually go to ACU too! I’m in my last semester, and what I’ve learned is that if you want conversations to happen on campus, you have to start them yourself! I would encourage you to have these conversations on campus! Talk to professors, friends and everyone, don’t keep your mouth shut! You have an important voice and it needs to be heard. Keep shining your light, girl! 🙂


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